Day: May 22, 2019

bija mantra meaning bīja mantra

By 37ftcsite on May 22, 2019 in mantra yoga

sanskrit: बीजम् – translation: बीजम् [bījam], 1 Seed (fig. also), seedcorn, grain; अरण्य- बीजाञ्जलिदानलालिताः Ku.5.15; बीजाञ्जलिः पतति कीटमुखावलीढः Mk.1.9; R.19.57; Ms.9.33. A germ, element. Origin, source, cause; बीजप्रकृतिः Ś.1.1 (v. l.). Semen virile; यदमोघमपामन्तरुप्तं बीजमज त्वया Ku.2.5,6. The seed or germ of the plot of a play, story &c.; see S. D.318. Marrow. Algebra. The mystical letter forming the essential part of theMantra of a deity. Truth, divine truth. A receptacle, place of deposit. Calculation of primary germs. Analysis. The position of the arms of a child at birth. -जः The citron tree. (बीजाकृ means To sow with seed; व्योमनि बीजाकुरुते Bv.1.98. To plough over after sowing). -Comp. -अक्षरम् the first syllable of a Mantra. -अङ्कुरः a seed-shoot, first shoot; अपेक्षते प्रत्ययमुत्तमं त्वां बीजाङ्कुरः प्रागुदयादिवाम्भः Ku.3.18; Pt.1.223. (-रौ) seed and sprout. ˚न्यायः the maxim of seed and sprout; see under न्याय. -अङ्घ्रिकः a camel. -अध्यक्षः an epithet of Śiva. -उपहारिणी a witch. -अम्लम् the fruit of Spondias Magnifera (Mar. कोकंबी). -अर्थ a. desirous of procreation. -अश्वः a stallion. -आढ्यः, -पूरः, -पूरकः the citron tree. (-रम्, -रकम् the fruit of citron. -उत्कृष्टम् good seed; अबीज- विक्रयी चैव बीजोत्कृष्टं तथैव च Ms.9.291. -उदकम् hail.-उप्तिः f. sowing seed. ˚चक्रम् a kind of astrological diagram for indicating good or bad luck following on the sowing of seed. -कर्तृ m. an epithet of Śiva. -कृत् a. producing semen. (-n.) an aphrodisiac.